[ale] Quick substitution question

Fulton Green ale at FultonGreen.com
Wed Dec 13 10:24:46 EST 2000

Did you try

:%s/	/|/g

where that huge space in the middle was caused by hitting the Tab key?

If that doesn't work, try this command recipe from your shell:

tr -s "\ooo" "\ooo" < infile > outfile

substituting the octal values of the tab and vertical bar characters,
respectively (I learned that from this forum just a few days ago :).

On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 10:12:57AM -0500, Armsby John-G16665 wrote:
> I have a large file which has tab delimited information per line.
> Can some blast out a quick vi command to substitute  a pipe | for the tab \t ?
> This does not work.... :%s/\t/|/g
> I am trying to make this simple for others in my group.  I would prefer not to use perl or awk, etc.  I know they can do it but I am considering those who will follow me here...
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