[ale] scripting passwd change

Ben Phillips pynk at angband.org
Tue Aug 22 15:07:24 EDT 2000

Say I want to change my own password from a script.  Is there any way to
make /usr/bin/passwd cooperate with this?  I can make a file like:


...and if I run 'passwd < myfile' it somehow knows I'm doing this and
rebels ("error changing password").  How do I bend it to my will?

                      __   _                 "I hate to advocate drugs,
Ben Phillips         /  '_' )         ,,,     alcohol, violence or
pynk at post.com        |  | ()|||||||||[:::)    insanity, but they've
                     \__.-._)         '''     always worked for me."
		                                 -- Hunter S. Thompson

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