[ale] Doh!! or help a newbie bonehead

Patrick Reid Lyons plyons at emory.edu
Sat Sep 25 08:40:40 EDT 1999

So yesterday I was so excited that I got my monitor set up the way I wanted
that I carelessly shutdown -r now while my ppp connection was up and
running. (OOPS)
Now when I try to use minicom it says I'm already online and to hang up.  My
pppscript fails.  Here is the pertinent error message from

pppd[934]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root uid0
chat[935]: can't get terminal parameters: input/output error

removing locks a la:
rm -f /var/lock/LCK* /var/run/PPP*.pid
does not help

Can you help? PLEASE!


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