[ale] odd behavior

Mike Fletcher fletch at phydeaux.org
Tue Oct 26 23:31:51 EDT 1999

>>>>> "jim" == jim  <jcphil at bellsouth.net> writes:

    jim> Netscape doesn't show up in any other desktops. And if I
    jim> start it from the command line, no errors are returned. If I
    jim> crank up the browser while offline, I get the usual error
    jim> windows about "unknown host" but that's it.  No other part of
    jim> the browser is visible.

        Start netscape, then in a terminal window start eesh.  In eesh 
do `window_list' and look and see if netscape shows up.  I get
something like:

 340004a : fletch at godzilla.phydeaux.org
 44003a1 : Netscape: godzilla.phydeaux.org
 300006b : NBC
 24000cd : panel
 2400066 : panel

        You can then use the win_op command to find the x,y that the
window is located at.  In my case its window id 44003a1, so I do:

win_op 44003a1 move ? ?
window location: 10 10

        Which is correct.   If the window was off the screen, one of
those numbers might be <0 or > 1152x900 (in my case).  If it is off
the screen, try something like:

win_op 44003a1 move 0 0

        And it should move to the upper left corner of whatever
desktop it was on.  Likewise you could use `win_op id desk #' to move
it to a specified desktop, and `win_op id area # #' to move to a
virtual desktop area.  Control-d will exit eesh (don't type `exit'
since that'll tell E to exit :), `help' and `help command' to get more 
information on commands or a specific command respectively.

Fletch                | "If you find my answers frightening,       __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org   |  Vincent, you should cease askin'          \ o.O'
678 443-6239(w)       |  scary questions." -- Jules                =(___)=
                      |                                               U

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