[ale] Linux and ale

Rob Butera rbutera at ece.gatech.edu
Mon Nov 29 00:05:56 EST 1999

> Hey do you guys know that you come up on beer and home-brew searches?  Not
> a total loss thought since I have an interest in both Linux and homemade
> ales, has anybody tried the Corel Linux OS yet?  I'd like to find a review
> but no-body seems to have tried it yet.

Was sitting in an office recently and the December issue of PCWorld had a
rather complementary review of Corel Linux.  They basically said it was the
best "installs-easily-out-of-the-box-with-minimal-user-fuss" Linux
distribution and the best candidate so far for grabbing a share of the "Joe
Desktop" market. The ease of use is largely due to some GUI tools that Corel
has developed.

I will soon be wiping my Linux box at home clean and starting afresh (just
had a need to delete a big Windows partition) and am thinking of trying
Corel Linux OS, probably over the XMas holidays. 

Dr. Robert Butera, Assistant Professor                       GGGG        
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering		    G            
Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences		    G   GGGTTTTT 
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 		    G    G   T   
contact info --> http://www.ece.gatech.edu/users/rbutera/    GGGG    T   

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