[ale] hack attempt?

Jeremy T. Bouse undrgrid at undergrid.net
Thu Nov 18 21:54:54 EST 1999

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	This is a well known exploit for NFS which can be easily obtain'd
from sites like rootshell.com and the like... I have a very specific rule
in my ipchains rules for this very attack as I was receiving an exponential
amount of them comin from all over the globe... I'd even mention'd it to
Todd at Atlanta Internet IIRC to make him aware of machine local to him...

	Jeremy T. Bouse, Pres/CEO
	UnderGrid Network Services, LLC

Wandered Inn decided to waste my bandwidth saying:
> I had an unusual entry in one of my log files and was wondering if there
> is a buffer overflow issue with mountd.  Found the following:
> Nov 18 20:51:33 denali mountd[291]: Unauthorized access by NFS client
> and the ip is resolvable, to an entry from quebectel.com.
> Obviously, the access was denied, but the message above was followed by
> some garbage.  A bunch of ^P and other stuff that looked like line
> noise.
> The message attempts to indicate what was being mounted, but that's when
> the garbage comes in.
> Anyone seen anything like this?

| Jeremy T. Bouse  -  UnderGrid Network Services, LLC  -   www.UnderGrid.ne=
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