Getting to be OT, Re: [ale] copying lps to cds

Wandered Inn esoteric at
Mon Nov 15 10:52:12 EST 1999

I appreciate the real help others have given me regarding this request,
both to the list, and to me directly.

This is the last reference I'll make to the list regarding this issue,
as it is becoming more of a personal issue rather than a Linux one.  In
fairness, I address Mr. Dilcher's comments below regarding the efforts
I've made to research this issue.  Most folks will want to just delete
this now.  I apologize to the list in advance for those sections below
that are not focused on Linux....

Jeff Dilcher wrote:
> Hmm, all that research???  My 30 second "net check" turned up:
> 6.3 How can I record a sample?
> answers you question about "is it possible?".

I did see this, the issue was how to get some kind of connection from
the turn table to the sound card.  Which was certainly the focus of the
original request.

> Also, I guess you didn't check Alta Vista, which has hundreds of pages
> of relevant info:  I punched in +linux +recording and was overwhelmed
> with pages.

I did check Alta Vista, and I never found anything specific to the issue
I presented, that is LP->cd copying.

> Sorry to be snippy, but apparantly you didn't look  :)

You're a jerk.  I did look, then asked the question.

> You said you don't have windows "on this machine".  I would suggest that
> you use the machine 

This would mean I would have to move my cd burner.

> Next time you need network research help, email me!  My rates are cheap...

Well, you won't hear from me.  As far as I'm concerned, the question was
valid, you just felt the need to slam someone.  As far as I'm concerned,
go screw yourself.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at

It should be illegal to yell "Y2K" in a crowded economy.
	-- Larry Wall, creator of the programming language Perl

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