Busted mail server... [Fwd: Undeliverable: Re: [ale] MD5 inconsistency]

Benjamin Scherrey scherrey at switchco.com
Sun Nov 7 15:29:58 EST 1999

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    A subscriber to the ale email list has apparently forwarded his
email to gregoirem at pios.com. Unfortunately that email address no longer
exists and persons posting to the list get a nasty email from your
server informing them of that fact every time they post a message. To
make it worse, it would appear that your server is stripping some of the
headers from the email making it impossible for us to determine who the
original email address, or even its server is so we can unsubscribe the
offending user.

    Please see what you can do about this, or, at least eat the
offending emails until the forwarding server can be identified.

    thanx & later,

        Ben Scherrey

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 From: System Administrator <postmaster at PIOS.com>
To: scherrey at switchco.com
Subject: Undeliverable: Re: [ale] MD5 inconsistency
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 14:11:16 -0500 
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Your message

  To:      Courtney Thomas
  Cc:      ale at ale.org
  Subject: Re: [ale] MD5 inconsistency
  Sent:    Sun, 7 Nov 1999 14:52:05 -0500

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gregoirem at pios.com on Sun, 7 Nov 1999 14:11:14 -0500
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Message-ID: <85256822.00675FE6.00 at ddsnode9.dickens.com>
 From: Benjamin Scherrey <scherrey at switchco.com>
Reply-To: scherrey at proteus-tech.com
To: Courtney Thomas <ccthomas at access1.net>
Cc: ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] MD5 inconsistency
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 14:52:05 -0500 
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Hmmm.... that would make me nervous as well. Are you able to mount the
iso? If not then the answer's obvious. Otherwise, I'd look at the byte
count on my box vs. the ftp server and see if something might have
changed. Did you download from a trusted server? Do you have the
bandwidth to d/l again in under an hour or two? These are all the
things I'd consider.

     good luck & later,

          Ben Scherrey

Courtney Thomas wrote:
> Greetings !
> I just downloaded Slackware7.0 iso(s) and when checking source.iso with
> MD5, the number didn't match the included [and presumably correct] MD5
> number for source.iso, though the MD5 # for install.iso did match.



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