[ale] Updating ssh host keys.

Ben Phillips pynk at cc.gatech.edu
Wed Jul 28 14:24:57 EDT 1999

On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Mike Kachline wrote:

> 	Does anyone know how to update /etc/ssh/known_hosts via some
> automated process.

I don't have a file by that name, but assuming it's like most ssh
known_hosts files, it's just a text file with exceptionally long lines.
Easy to edit as long as you have a text editor which can deal with long
lines ('vi' works great).

As far as an automated process is concerned...

  $ cat file-containing-new-hostkeys >> /etc/ssh/known_hosts

                      __   _                 "If pro is opposite of con, 
Ben Phillips         /  '_' )         ,,,    then what is the opposite of
pynk at cc.gatech.edu   |  | ()|||||||||[:::)   progress?  Congress!"
                     \__.-._)         '''     -- men's restroom, House of
		                              Representatives, Washington

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