[ale] httptunnel and lsh issues

Michael A. Smith masmith at bsat.com
Mon Jul 26 09:21:53 EDT 1999

	I don't know if anyone has used lsh(from http://www.net.lut.ac.uk/psst/)
over httptunnel(from http://www.nocrew.org/software/httptunnel.html) but I
have had a heck of a time getting it to work.  Here is what I have been

lsh settings:

I created the key using the following: lsh_keygen -l 8 | lsh_writekey AKEY

lsh -p 2323 -l <myuserid> localhost
- attempts to connect through port 2323 using a userid to the remote
machine(local host).  Port 2323 is forwarded below through the httptunnel to
port 4711 on the remote machine.

lshd -p 4711 -h /home/<myname>/AKEY
- listens on port 4711 for an lsh connection and uses key located in

tunnel settings:

htc -F 2323 -P localhost:8080 localhost:4711
- basically forwarding port 2323 through the proxy on port 8080 to port 4711
on remote machine(or in this case the local machine)

hts -F localhost:4711 8080
- basically forwarding anything on proxy port 8080 to port 4711(the lsh

I can connect through the tunnel to the lsh daemon but I can never get my
password validated.  If anyone has been able to get this working, I would
really appreciate some help.  I can use telnet this way but I would prefer a
more secure way of connecting to my machine....

Michael Smith
mike.smith at bigfoot.com

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