[ale] miscellaneous questions

Jim Kinney jkinney at teller.physics.emory.edu
Wed Jul 21 15:27:39 EDT 1999

If the speaker is beeping constantly, there is some type of problem :)
If the board is hosed and the thing truly beeps for no reason, your going
to start having other problems soon. You can always unplug the speaker!

As for the kernel problem, it sounds like the rpm was damaged in transit.
The source rpm unpackes in /usr/src/linux. You can't put a 6.0 update rpm
onto a 5.x distribution. The main libraries changed. Also ssh will only
compile on a RedHat 6.0 machine IF you compile from ssh-1.2.27 and
ssh-2.0.13. Any version with release numbers less will not compile under

James Kinney M.S.Physics		jkinney at teller.physics.emory.edu
Educational Technology Specialist	404-727-4734
Department of Physics Emory University	http://teller.physics.emory.edu

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Ben Phillips wrote:

> * How do you make the PC speaker stop beeping?  Is there a /dev/????? from
> which I can divert input? 
> * 'ls' question:  What possible causes might there be for the
> /etc/DIR_COLORS to be partially ignored?  Colorized 'ls' is working for
> directories and executables, but not for things that correspond to file
> extension.  DIR_COLORS isn't being usurped by an environment variable
> belonging to the user, because I can type 'set' and LS_COLORS doesn't come
> up as a defined variable.
> * I'm new to Red Hat.  When I installed new kernel source using an RPM, it
> screwed up somehow.  I infer this from the fact that kernel compiles fail
> now -- and for that matter, so does an ssh compile (!).  How would you go
> about trying to fix what happened without messing up rpm's business?
>                       __   _                 "If pro is opposite of con, 
> Ben Phillips         /  '_' )         ,,,    then what is the opposite of
> pynk at cc.gatech.edu   |  | ()|||||||||[:::)   progress?  Congress!"
>                      \__.-._)         '''     -- men's restroom, House of
> 		                              Representatives, Washington

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