[ale] Re: [ALE] Vmware

Jim Popovitch jimpop at rocketship.com
Sun Jul 11 20:14:05 EDT 1999

I just did the plan old standard install.  I have no Solaris experience, but
I recently go a hold of a copy of 7 from Sun. (some free offer they had).  I
just let the install configure/detect everything and it went fine.  I was
running Mandrake 6.0, which is pretty close to RH 6.0.  I can't imagine why
you had any problems.  I no longer have VmWare installed, but it was the
most current version available on their website last month.


----- Original Message -----
 From: Chris Fowler <cfowler at zfh-csg.penguinpowered.com>
To: <ale at ale.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 1999 4:11 PM
Subject: [ale] Re: [ALE] Vmware

> Someone stated that they were able to get Solaris 7 to install on Vmware.
> I try to load off of CD I get cdrom timeout errors while it is loading the
> Solaris kernel.  Then it reboots on me.  This is on Vmware 1 on RH 6.0.
> can you get solaris to install?
> Thanks,
> Chris Fowler

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