[ale] Multiuser and Email

Michael B Golden naugrim at juno.com
Fri Jan 1 20:12:56 EST 1999

1. I have decided to learn some more of the multiuser aspects of Linux.
What I want to know, is how do I make directories and files invisible to
a user, but not to others? Also, can I make certain programs available to
certain users and not to others? I don't quite understand the concept of
groups either. Does the group permissions override individual? For
example, if a file is invisible to a certain user, but not to the group
he belongs in, which takes precedence?

2. Can I use the email accounts created in linux for each account without
having a full time web server? (I wish I could have one, but money
prohibits. :(  )

3. Also, I have seen reference in the HOWTOs to files and directories
that begin with a period, and don't show up in ls, but when I edit the
directory (which I discovered by accident) in emacs, it shows the
existence. Is there a way to show these in ls? Why are they invisible?

Michael Golden
Naugrim at Juno.com (Normal, no attachments)
MGolden at Airapps.com (Only for messages with attachments.)
Slackware 3.5 (2.0.34) Linux user -- Linux Advocate

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