[ale] 10 Gig IDE HD

Bob Kruger bkruger at mindspring.com
Fri Jan 1 10:00:35 EST 1999

At 08:06 AM 1/1/99 +0000, you wrote:

>Bob Kruger wrote:

>I've got the same drive and was just now trying to get it installed.  I
>upgraded my kernel to 2.0.36 and the kernel itself recognizes the full
>drive (verses 2.0.33 which saw it as ~8 gig)  Problem is, when I attempt
>fdisk against the drive, fdisk sees it as the ~8 gig size.  I've read
>the Large disk howto and the ide.txt docs, but don't see specifically
>how I might 'tell' fdisk the correct size of the drive.

This stumped the hell out of me until I tried using "cfdisk" instead of "fdisk".

It worked just fine after that.

I found "cfdisk" on the latest slakware release.  If you don't have it, I
would be happy to file attach and send it to you.

Regards - Bob Kruger

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