[ale] Bash Script

David S. Jackson dsj at dsj.net
Sun Feb 7 14:51:24 EST 1999


Is there a way to show ONLY directories from ls?  I couldn't think of a way,
so I wrote a little thing called "lsd".  



#  This script lists only directories in the current directory--I
#  don't know how to make ls do that!  So I wrote this little script.


echo $curdir                      #  This is for debugging

for dirname in $(ls $curdir)
     if [ -d $dirname ]; then echo -ne "\t $dirname"


echo -e "\n"


First, for some reason, I can't seem to get the script to act on the $1 argument.
When I enter 

lsd /home

I should get all the directories in /home.  But that doesn't happen.  What
am I doing wrong?

Second, is there a way I can "echo" a line across the screen similar to ls
-C?  It works the way I have it (with echo -ne) but the column doesn't wrap
evenly onto the next line; it breaks in the middle of a word.  Any hints?

Thanks much!


David S. Jackson                           http://www.dsj.net
"What is the best government?  That which teaches us to govern
                         --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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