[ale] Off topic - perl question

Stan.Hearn at ipst.edu Stan.Hearn at ipst.edu
Wed Aug 25 16:31:23 EDT 1999

Split wants you to enclose the split with slashes.  And yes the period is 


@fi = split (/\./,$test);

At 03:14 PM 8/25/99 , you wrote:
>What is wrong with this?  I can't make it do what I want it to.
>$test = "abc.xyz";
>@fi = split (".",$test);
>print "$#fi";
>print " splitting $test, first part = $fi[0], second part = $fi[1]\n";
># $#fi = -1, according to the output
>$test = "abc,xyz";
>@fi = split (",",$test);
>print "$#fi";
>print " splitting $test, first part = $fi[0], second part = $fi[1]\n";
># this works fine so it is the period that is causing the problem but
>I've tried:
>@fi = split ("\.",$test);
>@fi = split ('.',$test);
>@fi = split (/./,$test);
>@fi = split (/"."/,$test);
>@fi = split (/"\."/,$test);
>to no avail.
>Suggestions appreciated.

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