[ale] Fie on MediaOne

linuxhat at mailandnews.com linuxhat at mailandnews.com
Fri Aug 20 14:05:50 EDT 1999

A rant; if you don't live in MediaOneland and don't know anyone who does,
you can skip this if you want; if you think you might, you need to know
the following:

Y'all are probably familiar by now with my woes with my MediaOne cable
modem.  As was suggested, I captured the MAC address of the gateway 
giving me DHCP, and arp -s'ed it into the table.  I still can't get out.
It's not a matter of me not being in the database, or I couldn't get
DHCP to begin with.  Something in their system is agreeing with Windows
and blatantly not agreeing with anything else.  And they just changed
that something about two weeks ago... They also fixed their firewall
so I can't get in from the outside as I used to.  

Couple this with the fact that MediaOne has sold their ISP outfit to 
TimeWarner, and that MediaOneRoadRunner is now hawking Internet Exploder
instead of Netscape (and corellate it to the fact that the buyout by 
TimeWarner seems to have been responsible for CNN's demise as a source 
of unspun news), and something really stinks.  

So what do I want from you guys?  I'm not demanding you do anything; 
you're geeks, you think.  But if I were going to stay here much longer
(it's official, I'm jobhunting in Seattle), I would go find one of the
guys that does Covad DSL and drop them into place, and (this is the part
I'm going to do anyway) tell MediaOne to shove it.  All of it.  TV too, 
since TNT (another TimeWarner company) is killing B5:Crusade in another
three weeks.... no more use in watching TV.  

YMMV.  Vote with your feet.

-- Glenn
p.s. thanks for all the suggestions, guys... 

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