[ale] ISP Connection

Ryan twobarrel at maxinter.net
Wed Aug 18 20:03:31 EDT 1999

  Got a question that has been stumping me for a few days now.  I am
using Redhat 5.2 and can successfully dial into my ISP by clicking on
the network icon of the control panel, going to ppp0 and activating the
connection.  I can only use the connection as user 'root'.  If I leave
the connection open, log in as a different user on another virtual
terminal and try to access the internet, I get nothing.  I also set up
the connection to be initiated at boot time as well as to be able to be
initiated by any other user through the control panel.  Yet neither
option works.  I have read the manual for 5.2 as well as searched
through the Howto's online.  Did I miss the answer somewhere or am I
just having a BSOD of the brain?


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