[ale] fun with processes

Ben Phillips pynk at cc.gatech.edu
Fri Aug 6 19:38:05 EDT 1999

On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Eric Z. Ayers wrote:

> Ben Phillips writes:
>  > Is there a way to resume a backgrounded process from a shell other than
>  > the one that initiated it?  If not, why?
> You can use kill -STOP <pid> to suspend a process and kill -CONT <pid> 
> to resume it.  So you have to know the pid and have permissions to
> send the task a signal.

This doesn't work, BTW.  Not from a shell other than the one that initiated
the process.  I'm still looking into this 'screen' thing.  But really I was
curious about the underlying architectural limitations.  What about a
process is so tied to the shell that launched it that UNIX can't easily
allow another shell to resume the process?

                      __   _                 "If pro is opposite of con, 
Ben Phillips         /  '_' )         ,,,    then what is the opposite of
pynk at cc.gatech.edu   |  | ()|||||||||[:::)   progress?  Congress!"
                     \__.-._)         '''     -- men's restroom, House of
		                              Representatives, Washington

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