[ale] Digital Cameras and Linux

Amy Ayers amy.ayers at mindspring.com
Mon Aug 2 17:45:08 EDT 1999

I own an Olympus D-340R (which is an excellent camera!) and
have never used the Windows software that came with it. Some
guy wrote something called "camediaplay" (check a search engine
or send me email and I'll try to find my bookmark for the page)
which works very well with my camera to download the images
(which are jpegs). There may be other software out there that
does the same thing - I haven't checked in a while: see
http://amy.ayers.home.mindspring.com/annie/ to see why)

I would highly recommend an Olympus camera - they are about
the same size as a regular 35mm point & shoot, take great
pictures and get great reviews, even by Consumer Reports. The
price isn't bad. I bought mine for $410 (it was $500 at
Best Buy) online and I have seen that model for around $330
recently (more or less, can't remember exact number). I bought
mine back in March.


> Does anyone have experience with digital cameras and Linux? I am just
> starting to do reasearch and was wondering if there are any special things I
> need to check for compatibility. Of course I am open to reccommendations as
> well. Thanks
> until(! -e $i) {
>        print "Randy";
> }

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