[ale] weird windowmaker problem

Dave Brooks db at disctech.net
Sun Apr 18 14:32:44 EDT 1999

Yeah, I had toughly the same problem with Eterms with Window
Attributes.  RIght-click on the title-bar of one of the RXVT's, and the
first screen that pops up will enable you to set the Window's "name". 
For instance, my Eterm's had the coices of (each with a radio button
beside it):


You should see something similar for RXVT's.  Simply set each RXVT to a
different type, and if you change one of the icons for one, it will only
effect the same windows that pop up with the same type.

I have a question for you:
I opened an Eterm and dragged the icon over to the dock to dock it, and
then tuned the command line it executed.  However, whenever I execute
that Eterm, the icon on the dock goes "white" for as long as I have that
Eterm open, preventing me from opening another Eterm until it's closed. 
How can I fxit hat so that I can spawn multiple Eterms?


Nick Lucent wrote:
> I finally got around to setting up the dock in windowmaker, and everything
> is how I want it except for one thing. I have 3 rxvt's setup on the dock,
> 1 is the actual dock?block? (the one w/ the yinyang in it) - its setup to
> ssh to another box, the 2nd is just a local rxvt, and the third is a rxvt
> asking for a passwd (rxvt -e su -). Now my problem is, I want to give them
> each slightly different icons so I know the difference, and dont have to
> try 3 different times to hit the right one, but #2 and #3 always have the
> same icon, when I change the icon on one, windowmaker changes the icon on
> the other. But the one that I made from the dockblock keeps whatever icon
> I give it. Has anyone seen this before or know of a workaround?
> Nick

david a. brooks
discovery technology, inc.
junior UNIX administrator
voice: .. (770) 514.0547 x280
pager: .. (770) 379.2333

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