[ale] SiS 6326 video w/ XFree86 3.3.3?

Steve Tynor tynor at outside.atlanta.twr.com
Sun Apr 18 11:28:50 EDT 1999

I just bought a new video card at GIM's (an 8M SiS 6326 based card
labeled "3D PRO HD") and am having some trouble getting X
configured. I'm running Redhat 5.2 and have installed the latest XFree86
(3.3.3) which claims to support this chip (I understand it's also used
in the Diamond Speedstar card)

I've scourged altavista and dejanews and found a couple of Option
settings that get me sort of working (had to set VideoRam, disable
bitblt and imageblt and the hw cursor), have set correct sync rates
based on my monitor's documentation, but even so X will only run at

	1280x1024, 8bpp, 61Hz (flicker city...) or
	1024x768, 16bbp, 34Hz (interlaced) YUCK!

I know the card can do better (I run it at 1280x1024, 24bpp, 75Hz on
Windoze98)  but I can't figure out how to convince XFree86.

Has anyone out there managed to get X working at >=16bpp, 1280x1024 and
>=70Hz with an SiS 8326?  If so, please share the secrets!


One thing is for certain: the sheep is not a creature of the air.

Steve Tynor		Email:   Steve.Tynor at atlanta.twr.com
Tower Technology 	WWW:     http://www.twr.com/
Server-Side Java (tm) Performance Experts

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