[ale] X & Debian

Michael Hirsch hirsch at mathcs.emory.edu
Fri Apr 16 21:30:11 EDT 1999

Bill Ripley writes:

> I am trying to configure X under Debian 2.1 . Everything works Ok except
> that when I startx the screen icons are too big (or screen area is too
> small). I know it is some config that I am missing, any ideas ?

Sound like you're in the wrong resolution--perhaps 640x480.

You can check by looking at the output of xdpyinfo.  You can see if
other modes are supported by hitting CTRL-ALT-+ (but it must be the
'+' from your numeric keypad).  That should cycle you through your
resolutions.  xdpyinfo will then tell you the resolution.

There probably is a line in your /etc/X11/XF86Config file specifying
the allowed resolutions which looks something like this:
        Modes       "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768" "1280x1024"
Put the resolution you want first on the line.


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