[ale] Authentication problem

Jeffery Tillotson jtillotson at mindspring.com
Fri Jul 31 09:37:40 EDT 1998

I am running SAMBA 1.9.17p4 on a Red Hat Linux 5.0 (kernal 2.032) box.  The
problem I just noticed is an error that looks like this in the
/var/log/message file
	Jul 31 08:36:17 linux PAM_pwdb[1437]: 1 authentication failure; (uid=0) ->
	jeff for samba service

SAMBA holds profiles for users for win95 machines as well as giving share
rights to directories and printers(basic SAMBA stuff).  The thing I don't
understand is I still have the proper access to printers, directories, and
everything else even with this message.  

Could someone offer a bit of assistance on this?  I have read the
documentation in /usr/doc/samba-1.9.14p4 and the man pages and havn't come
up with an answer.       

Is this message something I shold be concerned with?  If it is something to
be concerned with, any ideas on how to fix it?  


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