[ale] named - Slackware 3.4

Ron Mellema ron at designpointe.com
Fri Jan 2 14:59:00 EST 1998

I had server with Slackware 3.2 running all the normal internet services. 
I just bought and installed Slackware 3.4. named is running but it cannot 
be found. An nslookup results in the following:

*** Can't find server name for address Server failed
*** Default servers are not available

I did the setup just as before. There is a process running for named but 
no other computer or process can find it. I think that named has been 
changed because the setup file in /etc is no longer named.boot. It wants 
named.conf. Anyone know what other things may have been changed in 
Slackware 3.4?

Ron Mellema    ron at designpointe.com
DesignPointe Communications, Inc.

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