[ale] Technofeeb Question

Jay Finch horus at inetnow.net
Mon Feb 2 15:08:47 EST 1998

At 02:26 PM 2/2/98 -0500, Bryan Moorehead wrote:
>	I am running Caldera Linux and a friend helped me set up
>a network connection to my windoze 95 machine.  We recompiled the
>kernel to include the ethernet support.  However, when I type ping...
>I get:
>Network is unreachable...
>The Network cards on both machines are installed and recognized, and the
>cat 5 cables were properly made.  I would appreciate any suggestions
>(other than give up on Linux), as I know just enough about Linux to be

I had the same problem... I had to go into the /etc/rc.d/rc.modules file
and uncomment out the line for my Ethernet card.. (I'm using a LinkSys
Ether16 - But chose the standard ne2000 compatible config)

What card are you using?  I can point ya in the right direction with a wee
bit more info.

Jay Finch                       : "Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova. Commander.
President/GKE of NERO-Atlanta   :  Daughter of Andre and Sophie Ivanov.
(770) 650-0410  (voice)         :  I am the right hand of vengeance and the
horus at inetnow.net               :  boot that is going to kick your sorry ass
kateth at bck.org                  :  all the way back to Earth, sweetheart.
horus at larp.com                  :  I am death incarnate, and the last living
horus at photobooks.com            :  thing that you are ever going to see.
cotu at photobooks.com             :  God sent me."
MTBI Survey says:  ENXJ         :	       -- Cmdr Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5)
       Check out my home page at:  http://www.photobooks.com/~horus/

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