[ale] forgetting to start lo...

David S. Jackson dsj at dsj.net
Thu Dec 31 10:24:08 EST 1998


I recently upgraded to RH 5.1 from 4.2 and discovered that my loopback
device doesn't get initialized after a reboot.  Consequently I have to go
back in and do it manually with ifcfg and add the route to the routing
table.  In looking through /etc/rc.d/init.d/ and
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ I see that heavy use is made of linuxconf,
of which I know next to nothing.

Can anyone tell me why I can't seem to get the lo device to initialize
automatically during startup?  (And don't say "because you're kinda dumb,
Dave!"  :-)

David S. Jackson                           http://www.dsj.net
"You may satisfy all your senses and still not be satisfied."
                        --Edward S. Martin

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