[ale] GUI development?

Jason Boyles jason at chunk.hboc.com
Tue Aug 4 17:57:57 EDT 1998

On Tue, Aug 04, 1998 at 05:39:21PM -0400, David Hamm wrote:
> Take a look at QT if your intersted in C++ "http://www.troll.no".  Its not
> absolutly free ( if you sell your software your expected to pay them for
> thier work ) but it is good.

But Qt is the widget set of the beast! The Troll, specifically.

If you're interested in c++ and truly free software, gtk-- is a set
of c++ wrappers for gtk.

"Gtk-- is a C++ interface for the popular GUI library gtk. Gtk-- provides
convinient interface for C++ programmers to create graphical user interfaces
with gtk's flexible OO framework. Highlights include typesafe callbacks,
widgets extensible using inheritance and over 60 classes that can be freely
combined to quickly create complex user interfaces. Gtk-- is free software
distributed under GNU Library General Public License. (LGPL)"

See the homepage at:


If you want something for C, gtk+'s homepage is http://www.gtk.org

Jason Boyles <jason at chunk.hboc.com>

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