[ale] Fast Forwarding through tars

Mike Kachline kachline at cc.gatech.edu
Tue Sep 2 18:46:41 EDT 1997

	I can't remember if I had already asked this before, but, is 
there a way to "fast forward" through tar files on tape. Say I want to 
un-tar a file which lies in the middle of the tape and I did a "tar -tvRf 
... > tar.out" to create my tar. I suspect that I can use "mt" to "fsr" 
to the proper record number, then start restoring from there. (?) Has 
anyone been able to do this successfully (with ftape)?

	As side information, running ftape 3.03 on a ditto dash / Iomega 3200.

								- Mike
Michael Kachline - CS, Georgia Tech
kachline at cc.gatech.edu

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