[ale] Appache on Linux (CGI execution)

Sal Abouzgaia abouzgs at sasked.gov.sk.ca
Wed Oct 15 16:23:53 EDT 1997

Hi all,

Two problems:

Problem 1: in spite that I set the ScriptAliase to point to 
/usr/local/etc/htdoc/cgi-bin, Apache always think that cgi-bin is in
/usr/local/etc/htdoc/htdocs and as a result cgi files are not found.
I double check all the config files, and there is nowhere that
says cgi-bin dir in in /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs.

Problem 2: If make cgi-bin in /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdoc and change 
settings in all the config files to point to this dir, apache does not 
execute cgi scripts (perl or sh scripts), instead the
browser reads the Perl os sh scripts as text files, and prints Perl or sh
scripts as is on the browser.

ScriptAliases is set correctly
Options ExecCGI is set in the access.conf 

Any hints

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