[ale] Web Server

Geoffrey Myers geof at abraxis.com
Fri Nov 7 08:18:24 EST 1997

Jason Boyles wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Nov 1997, bmyers wrote:
> > I am planning a content server.  ICan you direct me to a source
> > of information on the comparative merits of Linux vs NT?
>         Pardon my lack of hard references, but Internet Week (Weak?) (I
> think that was the journal) did a comparison of web server platforms
> fairly recently, including SMP Linux 2.0, NT 4.0, BSDI, and others. Linux
> hung right in there performance wise.  In the end the reviewers were torn
> between Linux/Apache and BSDI/Netscape, choosing BSDI because of
> theavailability of commercial support.

Netscape Fastrack  web server is available for Linux via Caldera.  I'm
currently using fastrack on an NT box and it is a nice package.

>         I'm sure Internet Week(?) has a web site somewhere. I'll try to
> dig the issue from the mound of stuff on my desk tomorrow and post more
> information.
> ----
> Jason Boyles <jason at alltel.net>
> This sentence contains exactly threee erors.

Until later: Geoffrey           geof at abraxis.com

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