[ale] LOCAL: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - September Meeting

Eric Zundel Ayers eric at compgen.com
Wed Nov 5 18:13:06 EST 1997

ALE - August meeting notice.

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      Come and join your fellow Linux Enthusiasts
         for another high-spirited meeting.
                    Thursday 14 August
                       7:00 PM
          Georgia Tech College of Computing
                       Room 17

                       THIS MONTH:

                    Michael Warfield 

		System Security Update

    This will be a reprise and update on the security
  intrusion talk presented at the Atlanta Linux Showcase
 last June.  I will recap some of the information presented
 at that forum along with updated news on some of the latest
     tricks and vulnerabilities that have come to light
 since the earlier talk.  If you were present at the showcase,
 there should be plenty of new material to hold your interest.
   If you missed the showcase, here's your chance to catch up
	            on a hot topic.


         For more info, visit the ALE web page:
    For Directions to the Georgia Tech College of Computing:

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