[ale] moving systems??

charlie charlie at cc.gatech.edu
Sun Mar 2 20:18:40 EST 1997

  I have ran out of space on my linux drive, and I thought I'd take the
oppurtunity to redistribute all my of OS'.  Particularly move around OS's
so that they aren't so fragement etc.  However, my question is this:
could I simply copy over my whole linux system to another physical drive?
(I doubt it) I just wanted to check because I didn't want to have to
re-install all of it onto another drive and try to copy over the correct
setup files etc.  Also I don't have an easy way to re-install my linux
distribution so I thought maybe I could circumvent the whole process.
What things would I need to change inorder to insure that this would work?
(If this is even remotely possible )


							        Charles Hubbard
	   		 	          Internet: charlie at felix.cc.gatech.edu
 ". . .the pope talks a lot about sex, of which he knows nothing. . ."  
	- Robert Anton Wilson

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