[ale] SCSI Drives and Controllers

Robert L. Harris robert at ast.lmco.com
Fri Jul 25 10:12:08 EDT 1997

james pancoast wrote:
>         I want to put a SCSI Hard Drive in one of my Linux boxes.  For the Hard
> drive, I'm considering the Seagate Cheetah 4LP, but am willing to hear
> other peoples suggestions/comments on it.  Now, I've been out of town for
> the past 3 weeks, and I've only heard bit's and pieces of someones saga
> with his 3940UW.  I was considering a 2940UW (Adaptec, for those of you
> that don't know), but am starting to think twice about it.  Does anyone out
> there have any help or suggestions?  This box only runs Linux, so I only
> have to worry about whether it works for Linux or not.  Any
> help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> ==============================================================================
> Mulder, could you please explain to me the scientific nature of, 'the whammy'?
> Do not taunt Super Happy fun ball...
> mailto:jamesp at area51.homecom.com; http://area51.homecom.com/

  I'm the guy with the 3940UW.  Once I got the right card, and all the
connectors, it's working great.  Very fast and no extra configuration
If you don't need the dual channels, a 2940 works great also.  Note the
on the cards though.  A 2940UW has a 68Pin external, a 68Pin internal
and a 50Pin
internal.  A 3940UW had all 3 as 68Pin.  If the drives you're gonna be
are all Wide, The 3940would work fine, but for me all my internal drives
Narrow and would have required $350 in converters and cables, had
Adaptec not
been a good company...


Robert L. Harris          |   If NT is the answer, 
System Engineer For Hire. \_    You don't understand the question 

Robert at ast.lmco.com

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

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