[ale] Ghostscript/Fonts

Michael Morris mjm at avana.net
Tue Jan 28 10:39:21 EST 1997

Todd B SanMillan wrote:

> > (2). I am running fvwm95 X-windows manager. How do I change the font
> > size of the text in an xterm window? Also, how can I change my default
> > screen configuration (ie. Which window goes where and what size)?
> Look in ~/.fvwm95rc2.  It should have the start-up commands for your shells.
> Included will be a font option to the xterm, that looks like "-font 7x14".
> That would be the "7x14" font. Change that to one you like.  And then for the
> what window where and what size, there should be geometry options that look
> like "-geometry 100x200+5+10" . That breaks down to size, position.  In this
> case it would be a window 100 by 200 (pixels?) that is 5 (pixels?) from the
> left edge and 5 from the top edge. This can be given for each application
> in the .fvwm95rc2 file

~/.fvwm2rc95 is never called during the X-window manager start-up
sequence (I do not have a ~/.fvwm95rc2). The order of program execution
	xinit /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc
	fvwm95-2 -f "FvwmM4 -debug /etc/X11/TheNextLevel/.fvwm2rc.m4"
Therefore, .fvwm2rc.m4 should hold the configuration information, but I
can't find where fonts are being set and the window arrangement in being
chosen within this file.

> or you can specify default rules for each
> application in your .Xdefaults file.  If you don't have these files in
> your home directory, you may want to find the system defaults of these
> files and copy it to your howm dir and make any changes there.

How do I specify the default rules. This file already contains
definitions for FontAndLabel [tiny:huge] which look good. How do I tell
X-windows to use large and not tiny?

> Todd

                            (o o)
 |                      Michael Morris                            |
 | EMS Technologies, Inc.           E-mail: mjm at avana.net         |
 | 660 Enginering Dr.               Desk:   770-263-9200 x4363    |
 | Norcross, GA  30092              Fax:    770-263-9207          |
 |		     http://www.elmg.com			  |

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