[ale] Misc setup questions

Geoffrey Myers geof at denali.abraxis.com
Wed Jan 22 08:04:10 EST 1997

Can't offer help but for one, maybe..

}I'm configuring my machine with RedHat 4.0 and I have a few
}miscellaneous questions:
}(1) If I want to run xautolock to lock my screen, where is the proper
}place to put the execute command so that xautolock starts-up only once
}when I start fvwm95?
}(2) I know what a RPM (RedHat Package Manager) is, but what is a SRPM?
}(3) I have Linux and WIN95 loaded on the same machine. Why can't I see
}the WIN95 long file names from Linux?

Be sure you're mounting your win95 as vfat and not dos partitions.

}(4) If I want to change my windows manager from fvwm95 to AfterStep,
}what is involved?
}Thanks for your help
}                            ,,,,,
}                            (o o)
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} | Norcross, GA  30092              Fax:    770-263-9207          |
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Until later:
Geoffrey Myers   geof at abraxis.com	http://www.abraxis.com/geof

	Opinions expressed by me are mine, all mine, only mine.....

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