[ale] Tracing spam (EMAIL MARKETING WORKS)

Greg Hankins gregh at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Dec 4 10:26:36 EST 1997

First off, let's not discuss spam on this list.  There are enough spam 
discussion sites and lists already (http://spam.abuse.net/ is one).

I follow the list very closely, and I complain to abuse addresses regularly
when possible.  WorldTouch Network is a very aggressive spammer.  I have
gotten more spam from them then anyone else recently at all sorts of
different addresses.

Someone suggested setting up the list so that only people who are
subscribed can post.  This has a variety of problems, and is not
something I want to do.  I've tried it before on another list.
Plus, there are a lot of people that solicit help from the list
that are not subscribed.

Alexander Barton writes:
>If I trust alphasoft, they got the message from, which
>nslookup says is pool056-max4.la-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net.
>The other message seems to have passed through
>pool046-max1.la-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net.  The bogus
>headers start immediately after the entry for earthlink.net.

This is correct.  I have complained to abuse at earthlink.net already.


Greg Hankins (greg.hankins at cc.gatech.edu)     | Georgia Institute of Technology
Computing and Networking Services             | College of Computing, room 213
http://www.cc.gatech.edu/staff/h/Greg.Hankins | Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 
finger gregh at cc.gatech.edu for PGP key        | +1 404 894 6609

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