[ale] error from S3 Server (XFRee86 3.3)

gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu
Sat Aug 9 07:39:19 EDT 1997

On  9 Aug, Lisa Chiang wrote:
> I just recently upgraded to RedHat 4.2 and am using XFree86 3.3.  I'm getting an
>  error from my S3 server that I've never seen before:
> (--)S3: Using 8 planes of 1024x1215 at (0,833) aligned 8 as font cache 
> error opening security policy file /usr/X11R^/lib/X11/XServer/SecurityPolicy

When RedHat compiled XFree86 3.3, they didn't bother to update their
spec file to include all the new toys (improved X security,
improved printer support, Broadway Netscape plugins, etc.).  One of the
files that's consequently not included is the SecurityPolicy you
mention.  Just ignore the error....

I complained to RedHat about this a couple of months ago.  They still
haven't done anything about it.  If you have the free disk space, you
can download XFree86 and compile it yourself....


Chris Ricker                                 gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu

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