[ale] AT&T connect via PPP

Bob's Bulk mail transam at cavu.com
Fri Sep 27 17:07:21 EDT 1996

First, regarding your permission problem, try (as root):

	chmod 666 /dev/cua3

Second, try having your modem dial the number manually using the CU
program and enter the login name and password.  This might be via:

 	cu -lcua3 -s19200

When it says connected try:

If successful you should then see some gibberish.  If you don't get
this far the problem is with your modem configuration, password, etc.

If you do get this far then the problem probably is PPP configuration.

Bob Toxen
bob at cavu.com
transam at cavu.com [ALE]
Fly-By-Day Consulting, Inc.
"Venimus, Vidimus, Dolavimus" (We came, we saw, we hacked)

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