[ale] X Email client

charlie charlie at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Sep 12 10:40:47 EDT 1996

On Wed, 11 Sep 1996, David Hamm wrote:

> Does anyone know of a good email client for X?

I've used xmh before and it works just fine.  It's been so long since I've
used it that I couldn't tell you the good and bad of it, but I remember not
having any great problems with that were due to the program and not GaTech's
admin of our mail.  You'll have to use mh in order for it to work (*I think*)


							        Charles Hubbard
	   		 	          Internet: charlie at felix.cc.gatech.edu
 ". . .the pope talks a lot about sex of which he knows nothing of"  
	- Robert Anton Wilson

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