[ale] time

Jason Boyles jason at alltel.net
Wed Nov 27 09:08:00 EST 1996

Matthew Avery wrote:
> Does anyone know how to ping a timeserver and have
> your Linux machine update the time, say once every hour?
> Also, how do I find a timerserver?

	Check out http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~ntp/index.html
for information on NTP (Network Time Protocol) and publically available
NTP servers on the internet. When properly tuned the NTP daemon can keep
a group of hosts clocks within several milliseconds of each other.

	If you're not interested in running the NTP daemon, the ntp
distribution includes a program called ntpdate which will synchronize
your host's clock with whatever server you specify on a one-shot basis.
You could easily schedule this to run once an hour via cron.

	I run ntpdate at boot time to ensure my clock is fairly close to my NTP
server, and then I invoke xntpd (the NTP daemon) to keep it there.

	There's lots more info at the above mentioned site.

Jason Boyles <jason at alltel.net>

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