[ale] RedHat

David Hamm dhamm at luxbbs.itserve.com
Thu Nov 7 10:19:08 EST 1996

I have had problems with Lilo and large W95 hard disks so I've quit using
lilo and began using loadlin.  It comes on the redhat cd and its not 
difficult.  If you'd like more info let me know and I'll send you the 
batch files I use to do it.

On Wed, 6 Nov 1996, Srinivasan Arunajatesan wrote:

> Hi!,
> 	I am currently running Linux Kernel version 1.0.8 on my 486DX50.
> I want to upgrade. I was thinking of going with RedHat 4.0, but I have been
> seeing the postings on this newsgroup and it looks like RH4.0 has problems
> with LILO etc. So, now I am not sure. Also, I would like to know what the
> specific advantages of RH4.0 are over the latest Slackware distribution
> (What is the latest SW dist. anyways?). (I also want to run DOS/WIN on another
> partition on my drive, so I do need LiLO to work.) Could someone answer these
> questions for me please? 
> Thanks
> ajs

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