[ale] Java and latest kernels

Charles W. Binko cwb at mindspring.com
Mon May 27 00:52:19 EDT 1996

> > 
> > I want to start playing with Java and I understand that I need a later
> > kernel then I have.  I'm at 1.2.13 and figure I may as well jump to the
> > pre2 kernel releases.  Is anyone doing the Java thing under Linux yet?
> I just started looking at it this weekend. Actually there was a web page
> that pointed out that Netscape has a java compiler with it. So you can
> actually do java development using 1.2.13 a.out.

Hi all.

I have been doing Java application development under Linux (along with
what I do on HP/Sun at work) and have found it to be one of the more
stable ports!  I would _highly_ suggest upgrading to an elf-based
system.  I have heard horror stories from others that tried just
upgrading the libs.  In either case, you must have a system capable of
running ELF executables.  In addition, 1.2.13 needs upgrades of the
following (I hope I haven't forgotten any).


Actually, I am writing an article on Java for the Linux Journal right
now (actually, I'm taking a break :)  They play an entire issue on the
subject due late August (I think - It's due June 1 :).

BTW, in case anyone didn't know, the home for the Java-Linux project
is ftp.blackdown.org://pub/linux/Java or www.blackdown.org.  They've
done a great job of porting it!


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