[ale] Scripted Telnet Sessions

David C. Snyder dsnyder at mindspring.com
Mon Mar 4 12:57:44 EST 1996

Hello David,

David Hamm wrote:
>  I need to have a telnet session scripted.  The idea is to get input from
>  the user via  a web page do some error correcting and then put the data
>  into a canned accounting system.  My only choices are either using a
>  scripted telnet session to simulate the keystroks of a human hand or to
>  use a program like procom plus and open up a serial connection between
>  the two machines.  I was told that TCL would do this but after looking
>  arround I've found nothing to support this claim.  Any one got any
>  ideas.

I just bought an O'Reilly book on Expect, which runs on top of TCL.
It is a languaged that is designed to automatice interactive
processes.  It is exactly what you need.  Get the book today.

-- David
   dsnyder at mindspring.com

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