[ale] /etc/exports

David Cleveland Haynes gt9900b at prism.gatech.edu
Fri Jun 28 10:29:25 EDT 1996

Chris Fowler writes:

> I add host to my export file and specified (ro) option.  When
> I mounted the fs, I was able to write to it.  Does  anybody have any explanation
> for this?
	I do not fully understand your question. I can interpret in two ways:

	1) You are able to mount host A ( with the /etc/exports file )
from host b ( ) rw when it should be ro. In this case, I
can help you little. This sounds like a security breach. Look at the
"insecure" option in the NFS man pages.

	2) You think /etc/exports on host A allows you to mount
directories on host B. This is not true. 

	If case (2), please read on:

I use NFS myself at home. What /etc/exports does is give authority for
certain hosts to mount your directories you allow them to mount in the
fashion you allow them to. It has nothing to do with you mounting
other host's directories on your system. That is the job of /etc/fstab .

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