[ale] user setup in RedHat

Alfred Grahame Leach aleach at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Jul 25 10:41:42 EDT 1996

I'm running RedHat 3.0.3 (Picasso), and I can't figure out how to set up 
user environments properly.  I'm used to using files like .profile, 
.kshrc (users using k-shell), etc. to setup prompts, aliases, command 
line editing modes, etc.  All of these files appear to be ignored by this 
version of Linux.  What files _are_ to be used to do this sort of 
customization, and how (if the file entries are non-standard as well)?


- Al

  | Al Leach              |  Georgia Tech              | Sailing is:       |
  | Graduate Student      |  College of Computing      |  hours and hours  |
  | MS, CS/Networking     |  Atlanta, GA 30332         |  of boredom,      |
  +-----------------------+----------------------------|  punctuated by    |
  | email: aleach at cc.gatech.edu                        |  moments of sheer |
  | WWW: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/home/aleach   |  stark terror...  |
  |     < Georgia Tech - Olympic Village of the 1996 Summer Olympics >     |

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