eric at uxeric.compgen.com
Wed Feb 28 09:50:43 EST 1996
For those of you who don't know, updatedb is a part of the GNU 'locate'
package which is a *very* handy replacement for find. You can quickly
search for a file over the whole filesystem with wildcards
$ locate *.pl
will return all files on the disk that end in .pl. The 'updatedb'
program is run once nightly from root's crontab file.
This comes installed by default w/ slackware 3.0.0. The crontab runs
updatedb at 7:40 in the morning. If your computer is never on at 7:40 in
the morning, the locate database will never be created, so you'll have
to run it by hand or change the time w/
crontab -e
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