More Netscape Woes

UNIX Guru Dude geof at
Fri Feb 16 22:20:47 EST 1996

}Memory is not my problem with Netscape 2.0:  I have 8M with 16M virtual,
}and top shows me as only getting 3 or 4 megabytes into my swap when 
}starting Netscape.  When starting, I get a string of errors along the
}lines of:
}"Warning: cannot allocate colormap entry: "#0099FF"

Okay, I'm a bit new to X, but I know this problem can be caused by a few
things I've done in the past.  If you have a background that uses a lot of
different colors, for example a photo, then you may have used up all your
available colors.  Now, this may not be the right terminology, but that's
what it boils down to.  I was once told that you could limit the number of
colors you use with some entry in .Xdefaults, but I don't recall what it was.
Maybe someone else on the list will be more helpful.

At this point, try running a generic X with very little color, say maybe a
grey background and fire up netscape.  Sorry I can't offer more.

PS: Please don't finger geof at, it tickles......

Until Later,
Geoffrey Myers  geof at  eiger at  gamyers at

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