GEEK OFF (February Meeting)

Dan Newcombe NEWCOMBE at
Tue Feb 6 14:47:38 EST 1996

This is a general announcement about the February meeting.

The idea for this meeting is to have a Geek-Off.

Simply bring you machine(s) and show the rest of us what you do with 
Linux, what Linux has done for you, how Linux has helped you to take 
over the world ("Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"  "Yeah 
Brain, but why would people still buy Windows?")

Also, as an added feature, if you are having particular trouble with 
Linux and your system, haul it on up and we'll see if we can't find 
someone to help you out with it (though we can make no promises on 
this.)  And of course, all of the stuff about we are not liable blah 
blah blah should go here as well.

The only bad thing about this geek-off is that all of this geekness 
together, we might accidentally attract Bill Gates.


Dan Newcombe - Clayton State College - User Services - 770-961-3421 
newcombe at
- I work at the sheriff's office, you could have dialed 911.
                        (Lucy to Dick, Twin Peaks)

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