[ale] what news reader/poster

Joe Knapka whyknot at mindspring.com
Sat Aug 17 00:16:20 EDT 1996

Geoffrey Myers wrote:
> Just curious as to what news reader/poster folks use.  I currently use
> trn and Pnews, but they seem terribly slow.  Any recommendations?

I currently use Gnus under xemacs, and sometimes Netscape's news reader.
Gnus requires some tweaking to work well on a slow connection, but if
you like emacs, Gnus is really cool. The Netscape (> 2.x) newsreader is
pretty good, too, in my opinion, although I've seen it bashed a bit
by other folks. I've use tin and trn and nn in the past, and wouldn't
go back to them unless I was heavily bribed.

-- Joe

// --- 5-line sig, but worth it: Remember the old Almond Joy commercials? ---
// Sometimes you feel like a Newt / sometimes you don't...
// GOP's got Newts / Dems don't! / GOP's got talk show fruitcakes
// pro-life nuts and gun nuts too / Democrats got feminists loons
// and the entire ACLU...
> --
> Until later:
> Geoffrey Myers   geof at denali.is.net   Unix.Guru.Dude at worldnet.att.net
>         http://www.ticllc.net/~geof  or http://denali.is.net/~geof
>         Opinions expressed by me are mine, all mine, only mine.....

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